Japanese Adult DVD , Internet shop for the World
* How to search well

Just input any keyword you want to search
it need not full words, a part of the word is valid,
If you like the DVD number, AWD123 , then you want to search
other same series of other AWD ,  just input AWD1 ,
then you can get AWD145, AWD178, AWD163 etc...

or, if you find the actress's DVD, then input the actress name,
full name or a part is valid,
ex.  actress = Aoki Rei , then input = aoki rei
or if just only input= aoki , then
hit the other aoki, like Aoki KeiAoki Megumi etc...

in the input box, space works for AND search,
if input= akiyama megu , then the search system works
as  akiyama AND megu , (  akiyama+megu  )

>> If you want to search MAKER, Junle  and MONTH ,
( ex. Semen , 2011, APR ),
Input 2 words ,  semen   space   201104 
(ex.  SOD , 2011, Jan ),
input  2 words,   sod  space    201101 

As these ways, You can use this freely , Have a fun !
